Welcom to E-portfolio

Evaluation in Educational Technology(TECH4102) is an important course. It gives us a lot of experience that will help us in evaluating Educational technology, choosing appropriate instrument and discussing several issues about evaluation in educational technology. As we working in lab section, we enjoy the works that is assigned by instructor.
This blog is an e-portfolio for assignments and researches in this course. We hope you enjoy our e-portfolio!
Course instructor: Dr Alaa Sadik
StudentID(s): u065932 & u061563

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Examples of interaction techniques in Athabasca University

1) Learner-learner interaction
i. AUSU Discussion Forums:
A great place to get in touch with other AU students. It is also a great place to read about students' experiences with AU courses, or just to talk about what interests you.
ii. Chat Room:
Allows you to talk to other AU students or student councilors in real time. AUSU Councilors often schedule chat times to be available for student questions.
iii. AUSU Student Clubs:
Allow students with similar interests to come together for support and fun. Each club has a website with information of interest to members, and a private discussion forum where most interaction takes place.

i. AUSU website: if the students have any trouble or want to discuss with others in the same courses they could join (AUSU website). It allows students to post and view messages to the bulletin board and Study Buddy Board and to participate in the online chat and course evaluation

2) Learner-content interaction
1. Ask AU: To answer FAQ
2. Free publishing:
*AUSU News: These services tell the member information about what happens at AUSU by sending mails to students once or twice a year.
*AUSU Handbook/Planner: Available for AU undergraduate members giving them general information about the studying and learning in the AUSU
3. AUSU Advocacy: provides advocacy for all AU students in two distinct ways:
*Individual Student Advocacy: this service support student if they have any concern or feedback about things such as: course problems, academic or exam fees, tutor concerns or commendations, new course suggestions, or any ideas that will improve your academic experience overall, by only email.
*External, or Group Advocacy: this service advocates on behalf of all our members through a number of initiatives. These include for example: membership in external student organizations, lobbying the provincial and federal governments for increased educational funding, equitable student loans programs, scholarships and bursaries, and other student issues, financial and volunteer support for various student initiatives such as conferences, funding for disabled students at AU, and student campaigns for tuition reform and other issues relevant to all students

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