Welcom to E-portfolio

Evaluation in Educational Technology(TECH4102) is an important course. It gives us a lot of experience that will help us in evaluating Educational technology, choosing appropriate instrument and discussing several issues about evaluation in educational technology. As we working in lab section, we enjoy the works that is assigned by instructor.
This blog is an e-portfolio for assignments and researches in this course. We hope you enjoy our e-portfolio!
Course instructor: Dr Alaa Sadik
StudentID(s): u065932 & u061563

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Evaluation strategies

Learning Object evaluation Instrument
LORI is an evaluation instrument. It was developed for evaluating the E-Learning online object. This instrument was developed by John Nesbit ,Karen Belfer, and Tracey Leacock. It measures the following points in LO:

1. Content Quality
2. Learning Goal Alignment
3. Feedback and Adaptation
4. Motivation
5. Presentation Design
6. Interaction Usability
7. Accessibility
8. Reusability
9. Standards Compliance
Below there is print screen of this instrument:

If you want more information in how to use go to this site

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